Rublex Celta Spinning Trout Lure




Rublex Celta Spinning Pike/Trout Lure
  • Original Celta striped spinner, first produced by Rublex in France the 1950s.
  • Favoured by many trout anglers over the more common dotted Mepps.
  • Available in Size 0, 1 and 2 - No 2 is the most popular size for trout spinning.
    • Size 1 - 2g
    • Size 2 - 3.5g
  • Available in several colours.
  • Kevin says: "We've sold these Celta in twin packs for years, and they are always highly regarded - we're delighted to be able to offer them singly now."
  • Customer Feedback: "I got two nice trout on the Rublex on my local river.  The small Rublex are perfect for the river." - Declan, South Co. Galway